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Alamance County


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Please use the link above to complete your online Year End Giving gift. If you'd like to mail in your donation, checks can be made out to:


Alamance County Young Life

P.O. Box 2612

 Burlington, NC 27216

" I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly."
John 10:10b ESV

A recent survey conducted by Young Life's RELATE project ( shows us that over half of the 7,621 young people surveyed  across the world don't know how loved they are - by a caring adult, or by our Creator. And another key finding? Relationships with adults make a difference. What we do in Young Life matters more today than maybe ever before. The next generation needs us. They need adults telling them they're worthy of love and tangibly demonstrating this truth by showing up in their lives. They need to hear the hope of Jesus.


As the year closes, we’d love for you to consider a gift to Young Life. Would you consider making a year-end contribution to help us reach more kids with the wonderful news of a God who came near? Consider it a down payment towards more adults earning the right to be heard, so that students can hear about the abundant life Jesus offers them.

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For Every Person

Young Life is for all young people, wherever they live or whomever they are. We work with students from middle school to college and have specific ministries aimed at ensuring every person feels a sense of belonging.

For Every Person

Our Mission

  • Going where kids are and building personal relationships with them​


  • Providing fun, adventurous, life-changing experiences


  • Introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.


We Believe

We believe every young person deserves the right to hear the good news of God’s love.

Misson & Beliefs


Alamance County Young Life (ACYL), a non-denominational 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry, has been active in Alamance County for the past 20+ years. Currently, we are involved and invested in the lives of students all over the county, with volunteer teams in place at Western Middle & High, Turrentine Middle, Williams High, Southern Middle & High, and Cummings High School, as well as students at Elon University. Students in grades 6-12th are welcome to attend any of our active YL events. YoungLives partners with community churches and individuals to reach adolescent mothers in our community with the love of Christ. 


About Us

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